About Us

About Us

Our promise at the JBP Agency is to always provide the highest quality of service with the most affordable price to get the shipment moved. We have close to 30 years of experience in the trucking industry and with Landstar. We pride ourselves on always trying to provide the most competitive pricing for the job that needs done. Our goal with every customer is to provide each and every one with top notch service for a long time as if they are our only customer. We are truly thankful and value our great customer base that we have grown over many years. 

Our Mission

Our mission has always been to be honest and fair to every customer we have and to our great drivers we work with and count on every day. We have a belief that if you are honest and fair to the people you deal with, they will be with you for years to come. We strive to be the very best in the transportation industry and are proud of the bar we’ve set that others just can’t reach.

Why Choose Us

Our continued dedication to fulfilling our customer’s needs is paramount. You will never find anyone else that will be more truthful and committed to your transportation needs. We will always give all of our customers the respect and personal attention they all deserve and expect.

  • 24/7 Operation
  • Competitive pricing
  • Never any hidden charges
  • Personal attention
  • Dependable when others aren’t